Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A sad day

As I watched this JCB digging up this field with a very heavy heart, a lady at the bus stop asked me "have they started building the new shop?"

I told her that an application was in for hundreds of houses, a school, a shop and a health centre. But so far the health centre was the only thing that had permission, so I assumed that's what they had started to build.

"Ah. I'd heard they were building a shop", she said hopefully.

She wasn't an elderly lady. We were less than 100 yards from a corner shop and not terribly far from the town centre. But the fact that her view is about to be ruined, what used to be a small friendly town is to have hundreds more households-worth of people parachuted in (this is one of many developments being built onto the edge of the town), more green fields are being concreted over and more hedges dug up, all seemed to matter not a jot compared to the convenience of a shorter walk to get her fags.

I despair. And I don't want to live any longer in the rapidly-growing Ashby de la Zouch.

1 comment:

r1ckatkinson said...

It's happening in Castle Donington too, with more and more estates getting tacked on, increasing traffic and pressure on the existing facilities.

There's reclaimed land from where the Power Station used to be but it seems to have remained earmarked for commercial development. There are big development plans afoot!

In summary, I think what you describe is happening everywhere.